Alzheimer's linked to stomach bacteria. Decoding the potential risk factor in 2/3 of humanity
Long-term health surveillance of four million Brits over three decades revealed that those infected with H. pylori have an 11 percent increased likelihood of developing Alzheimer's. Symptoms associated with the bacterium may contribute to the progression of this disease. This discovery supports theories about the significant impact infections have on the development of dementia.
The study results provide new avenues for exploring whether eliminating this bacterium from the human body could reduce dementia risk. Professor Paul Brassard, the author of the publication in the journal "Alzheimer's & Dementia", underscores the importance of such discoveries in light of our aging global population and the rising number of dementia cases.
We hope that the results of our study will provide insights into the potential role of H. pylori in the development of dementia and will aid in the development of preventative strategies. This could include personalized programs for bacterial removal and broader strategies for limiting infections on a population level - adds Professor Brassard.
How can you confirm a Helicobacter pylori infection?
The H. pylori bacterium is often transmitted through contaminated water and food. It survives in the stomach's acidic environment by producing an enzyme, urease, that neutralizes hydrochloric acid. The chronic nature of the infection results partially from the bacterium's ability to hide from the immune system and incite inflammatory states.
Over-the-counter stool tests provide a quick and simple diagnosis for Helicobacter pylori infections. In addition to stool tests, serological tests, breath tests, and gastroscopy with biopsy for histopathological analysis are also used.
Early detection of infection allows for the initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy, potentially preventing further development of the pathological process. If left untreated, the bacteria may lead to the development of stomach cancer.