Alcohol, cigarettes and certain foods damage your pancreas, increasing risk of diabetes
Scientific evidence shows protection against thrombosis, diabetes, and stroke.
Alcohol and cigarettes
Regularly consuming excessive amounts of alcohol damages not only the liver but also steadily destroys the pancreas. This is particularly pertinent to individuals with pancreatic diseases and those with diabetes. Statistical studies suggest that regular alcohol consumption contributes to 90% of pancreatitis cases. It's worth noting that smoking cigarettes can also damage the pancreas, leading to chronic or acute inflammation of this organ.
Raw fruits and vegetables
While generally considered some of the healthiest foods, raw fruits and vegetables can sometimes be harmful. If eating a small amount results in bloating and other gastric issues, it might be better for your pancreas to choose steamed products. Moreover, such health problems should encourage us to visit a gastroenterologist.
Nourishing your body also involves the cleansing of intestinal deposits and lingering toxins.
Excessive consumption of meat, mainly processed and fried, hinders the function of the pancreas and escalates the risk of inflammation. Frying can cause cancer-causing compounds to form in the meat. Conversely, canned meats, pates, and hot dogs increase cholesterol levels. Thus, healthy people and individuals with pancreatic ailments should ideally avoid these products.
Regular consumption of these can damage many organs.
Excessive sugar in the diet risks obesity and hazardous diseases, including pancreatic and intestinal afflictions. Remember, the so-called white death is present not only in our sugar bowl but also in sweets and other foods. Beyond refined sugar, harmful food and beverage substitutes like glucose-fructose syrup also occur.
Fried and fatty dishes
While challenging to digest, consuming fatty and fried food is undoubtedly detrimental to our health. Such dishes raise harmful LDL cholesterol levels, increase fat in internal organs, and stress the pancreas. Healthier alternatives include dishes baked without added fat or steamed.