NewsAlarming news from Germany. "It must end"

Alarming news from Germany. "It must end"

The conflict in the Middle East remains in the headlines in Germany. The media discusses various aspects of Hamas' assault on Israel, but also address the topic of anti-Semitism in German schools.

Alarming news from Germany. "It must end"
Images source: © GETTY | Anadolu Agency
ed. KAR

The "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" writes very harshly. "Even in this difficult time for the people they rule, the Islamist gang of murderers shows why they need to be crushed. It did not warn Israel last Saturday, quite the contrary, it treacherously attacked and murdered or kidnapped anyone who fell into its hands" - we read.

"Now Hamas is calling on the residents of the Gaza Strip to stay in their homes; there are reports that it is trying to stop refugees. The comparison with the executioners of so-called "Islamic State", which has appeared in the past few days, is not incorrect. Anyone who shamelessly uses their own people as a shield cannot be considered a legitimate representative of the Palestinian cause" - it was added.

"Augsburger Allgemeine" writes in a similar tone. "The German government, currently in crisis, is finding the right way to deal with Israel, both in terms of content and tone. Germany's obligation to the Israeli nation arises from the Holocaust, the mass murder of Jews, organized and carried out by the Germans. This commitment to Israel, which ultimately is 'the only safe space for Jewish life,' as SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert recently said. Of course, the conflict in the Middle East has not been black and white for decades. But now it is clear who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. Therefore, lectures on how Israel should wage this war are not up for discussion. Israel has the right to defend itself from Hamas's attack. Period." - concludes.

"Reutlinger General-Anzeiger" highlights: "Antisemitism has many faces; there is right-wing, left-wing, and Muslim antisemitism. The German state has long refrained from taking decisive action against the latter. This needs to end. Many Arab countries treat Israel as their biggest enemy, and hatred towards Jews is often considered good tone by them. But what is accepted there, is not tolerated here. The German state has to clearly communicate this to immigrants and, if necessary, penalize for violations. Because tolerance for intolerance is a sign of weakness".

"Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung" analyzes: "When Jews are afraid to wear kippahs in public places, when synagogues, Jewish schools, and other institutions must be guarded by the police, and when Jewish restaurants report fewer customers and a tense atmosphere, this is unbearable. It is equally unbearable and intolerable when teachers and the Central Council of Jews in Germany report on open hatred towards Jews in schools. But what can be done? A ban imposed on terrorist organizations such as Hamas is, of course, right, even for the sake of symbolism. A consistent stance against demonstrators who celebrate murders and terror is also correct. It is obvious that schools need more staff, from teachers to security guards, to not succumb to anti-Semites".

According to "Lausitzer Rundschau" from Cottbus: "Taking into account the open joy of some Muslims on German streets due to Hamas' terror in Israel, Germany has to acknowledge that their country has ignored this problem for too long. And it has long since reached schools, children, and youth who grew up in an atmosphere of hatred towards Jews. Teachers often feel powerless. And if they intervene, they must expect violence from their students, as an event in Berlin this week has shown. This must come to an end. However, it would be a mistake to address the necessary debate on this topic only to teachers. Explanation and persuasion need to start much earlier: with parents, in families, in mosques. Apart from a few brave associations, few dare to open this Pandora's box. And that is why the issue of anti-Semitism will probably accompany Germany for a long time. In spite of all the cruelties of Hamas".

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