EntertainmentAlain Delon: Private funeral shrouded in mystery and security

Alain Delon: Private funeral shrouded in mystery and security

Alain Delon was 88 years old
Alain Delon was 88 years old
Images source: © Getty Images | Mike Marsland

10:19 AM EDT, August 26, 2024

Half the world discussed actor Alain Delon's desire to be buried with his dog. However, the French star had a few other requests regarding his burial.

On August 18 of this year, we wrote about the death of Alain Delon, the 88-year-old French actor. He was one of the greatest heartthrobs of cinema. "His devilish, angelic beauty and feline presence revolutionized cinema in the films of Rene Clement, Jean-Pierre Melville, and Visconti," wrote journalists from "Le Figaro." According to the statement from the actor's three children, Delon "passed away peacefully in his home in Douchy, surrounded by his three children and his family." Delon's two sons issued the press release: Anthony, Alain-Fabien, and his daughter Anouchka.

Alain Delon - private funeral ceremony

According to the wishes of the actor and his family, special permissions were needed for Alain Delon's funeral to be held on his estate in France. The family had to meet several strict conditions. According to media reports, the area around the estate was monitored by as many as 80 gendarmes; drones and planes were banned from flying over the area, and several nearby roads had to be closed.

For security reasons, mourners' phones were taken away – they were placed into special plastic bags, sealed for the duration of the ceremony. No one was allowed to record the funeral proceedings. Although the La Brûlerie estate was closed to outsiders, about 100 people gathered at the gate to pay tribute to the French cinema star. The gate quickly became adorned with dozens of wreaths and flowers placed there throughout the hot weekend. According to "The Guardian," temperatures that weekend were so high that a few people required medical attention.

Delon did not want an official state funeral. He said he wanted to be buried "like a common man." However, the ceremony was far from ordinary. Outside the gate of the estate, 100 people sang "Paroles, paroles." Among the mourners were politicians and actors.

It is worth noting that Delon had detailed his last wishes. He wanted to be buried with his dog Loubo, which sparked loud opposition, not only among animal rights activists. This request was not fulfilled. He also wanted a specific person to conduct the ceremony – the Catholic priest Jean-Michel Di Falco.

The entire ceremony took place next to the chapel built on Delon's estate, which also contains a private cemetery. In this cemetery, 35 of the actor's dogs are buried.

Alain Delon's estate
Alain Delon's estate© Getty Images | 2024 Jean Catuffe

Alain Delon was in conflict with his children

For years, it was widely known that Alain Delon wanted to undergo euthanasia. In 2022, even his farewell letter was published in the French media: "I would like to thank all those who have accompanied me over the years and have given me great support, I hope that future actors can find in me an example not only in the workplace, but in everyday life, between victories and defeats. Thank you, Alain Delon."

- I am in favor of a dignified death - he said in one of the interviews. - First because I live in Switzerland, where euthanasia is legal, and also because I think it is the most logical and natural thing. A person has the right to leave in peace, without going through hospitals, injections and so on - said Alain Delon.

The Delon family aired their dirty laundry in the media, and open disputes raged among the clan members. His son claimed that the father was being manipulated, that his daughter Anouchka was isolating him from the world, and that he was not receiving appropriate treatment. It was said that the siblings were fighting because a huge inheritance was at stake. Delon's former caregiver added fuel to the fire.

The woman was fired in 2023 for allegedly being violent towards him and preventing him from contacting his loved ones. She revealed to the media that the actor was in terrible condition because of the children. She stated in an interview with RTL that Alain's life is in danger and at risk of death. In the investigation conducted at the request of the actor's children, it was determined that the woman was indeed violent to her charge.

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