AI Takes Flight: F‑16 Versus AI in Groundbreaking Aerial Combat Test
The evaluation encompassed a series of simulated, close-range, maneuvering air battles between a human-piloted F-16 and a special test edition of the F-16 named VISTA X-62A, controlled by artificial intelligence.
Although simulated fights featuring AI in a computerized, virtual setting are not unprecedented, the intricacy of real-life air combat's dynamics is such that virtual simulations proved inadequate, necessitating further trials with actual aircraft.
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) shared that initially, the AI was restricted to performing defensive maneuvers. However, it was also authorized to initiate attacks on the opposing aircraft over time.
Autonomous F-16
Constructed based on an Israeli variant of the F-16, this aircraft features altered aerodynamic surfaces and the ability to vector thrust through nozzle deflections, providing it with superior maneuverability compared to conventional F-16s. Additionally, the aircraft has a revamped, reinforced landing gear.