NewsActivists and journalists detained in Russia amid rallies by soldier's wives demanding troop rotation

Activists and journalists detained in Russia amid rallies by soldier's wives demanding troop rotation

Protests in Russia. Arrests in Moscow and Yekaterinburg.
Protests in Russia. Arrests in Moscow and Yekaterinburg.
Images source: © X | Nexta

7:46 PM EST, February 10, 2024

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Every Saturday, the Road to Home (Rus. Put Domoi) movement organizes flower-laying actions under monuments. Primarily, they are demanding rotation for the troops invading Ukraine and the return of their husbands from the front lines.

Last Saturday, a rally took place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexandrovsky Garden, Moscow. According to video evidence, the police arrested at least three individuals, comprising one activist and two journalists.

In a similar event in Yekaterinburg, five individuals were taken into custody. They faced charges for participating in an unlawful assembly.

Arrests on February 3rd

The most recent Saturday marked the 500th day since Russia announced its partial mobilization. On that day, the Road to Home organized rallies for the first time. As reported by the independent Russian service Mediazona, this first gathering saw 27 arrests in Moscow alone, consisting predominantly of journalists and human rights activists.

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