A trick for free home heating only a few people know about
8:47 AM EST, November 15, 2023
TikToker Dana Kayal revealed a method for heating your house or apartment at no cost. Despite snowy weather outside, her room maintains a comfortable 70 degrees F without any outstanding heating effort. The solution? A quick tweak to her windows.
As heating bills continue to skyrocket, many people begin to search for frugal heating alternatives when fall and winter approach. Among these advocates is TikToker Dana Kayal who managed to maintain a 70 degrees F temperature indoors during a snowfall, without turning on any radiators.
Experiencing warmth at home without heating
This resourceful method is only known to a select few but has proven incredibly beneficial. Kayal explained in her video that if your home or apartment windows have mosquito nets attached, they should be removed. Mosquito nets can block sunlight, disrupting the natural warmth incoming from the bright rays. Consequently, radiators remain unused while inhabitants bask in the free warmth.
- On sunny days, I don't ignite the wood burner until 4:00 PM ET. The electric heating doesn't even get activated - she declared in her video.
- I deliberately purchased a house with south-facing windows to take advantage of this free warmth, - she confided in response to comments praising her "ingenious and cost-effective trick".
Transitioning windows to winter mode
Beyond the technique of removing mosquito nets, it's also essential to remember another window-related trick. TikTok user, "Mama mops", illustrated the process of transitioning windows from summer to winter mode by simply adjusting them with a screwdriver or pliers.
"At the outset of the heating season, switch the windows to winter mode, which tightens the sash seal to the window frame. This makes the window more airtight, reducing heat loss. You'd only need a screwdriver or pliers to do this. Remember to switch the windows back to summer mode once you're done with the heating season," we learned.