NewsA deadly species of wasp has been discovered. It eats the victim from the inside

A deadly species of wasp has been discovered. It eats the victim from the inside

New species of wasp
New species of wasp
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ed. KBŃ

9:27 PM EDT, October 15, 2023

Scientists from the University of Turku in Finland have discovered a new species of wasp. It eats its host from the inside out. Fortunately, it does not attack people.

A new species of wasp has been discovered in the Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon. It's Capitojoppa amazonica. It measures approximately 0.67 inches. Its victims include beetles, spiders, and caterpillars.

The insect lays eggs in its host, then sucks its blood and consumes it from the inside out. The species is described as a wasp with an "alien appearance." The main author of the research, Brandon Claridge, said that when the wasp finds a host, it feverishly strokes it with its antennae.

If accepted, the female lays an egg. Then the young, or rather larvae, feed on the host from the inside.

The Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve in Peru is referred to as the most biologically diverse rainforest in the world.

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