News7.6 magnitude earthquake devastates Japan's northwest coast, triggers tsunami alert

7.6 magnitude earthquake devastates Japan's northwest coast, triggers tsunami alert

The tremors began after 4 p.m. local time (11 p.m. ET), reaching a magnitude of 7.6, according to the Japanese meteorological agency. Local authorities reported large-scale damage, with many houses in Ishikawa collapsing. Roughly 32,000 households are currently without power, and air and rail traffic in the region has been halted.

Earthquake in Japan.
Earthquake in Japan.
Images source: © PAP | PAP/EPA/YONHAP

Tsunami warning issued

Reuters reported a bright yellow tsunami warning on television screens, cautioning residents of particular coastal areas to evacuate immediately.

  • Earthquake in Japan.
  • Earthquake in Japan.
[1/2] Earthquake in Japan.Images source: © portal X

The anticipated height of the tsunami wave could be 16 feet in certain areas, according to information provided by NHK television. Hayashi reassured that no disruptions were noted in the Shika nuclear power plant operation in Ishikawa prefecture or other nuclear power plants in the area.

Expect more tremors

Reuters further reported recurring tsunami alarms. The waves have reached a height of about 3 feet, with expectations for even more giant waves. Several aftershocks have also been observed. Authorities are warning of potential fire hazards and landslides in the area.

Online videos showing the aftermath of the disaster have begun to surface. These reveal elevated water levels and extensive damage to infrastructure, including roads, houses, railway stations, and stores.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency's Toshihiro Shimoyama has voiced that the persistent seismic activity in this region for over three years could culminate into more potent tremors in the forthcoming days.

Warnings of waves reaching about 3 feet have also been sounded for parts of North Korea and Russia's Sakhalin Island.

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