Tips&Tricks1996 calendars resurface in 2024: Vintage relics starring 90s icons now selling for a fortune

1996 calendars resurface in 2024: Vintage relics starring 90s icons now selling for a fortune

The 1996 calendar is extremely valuable.
The 1996 calendar is extremely valuable.
Images source: © Freepik | F1Digitals

3:17 PM EST, January 10, 2024

The advent of a new year brings about several transitions, one of which is the familiar ritual of changing the wall calendar. More often than not, we have to purchase a fresh one since the previous year's dates do not match the current ones. However, quite remarkably, the old calendar from 1996 mirrors this year's set of dates perfectly owing to it being a leap year as well, boasting 366 days. This vintage piece has quite the allure for the 90s' enthusiasts, especially if it showcases their former idols.

The frenzy for vintage calendars

The 90s birthed a generation that fondly remembers the style icons and towering personalities of those times. The height of vogue then was owning a calendar bearing their idol's image. Triggering a wave of nostalgia, numerous social media users began reminiscing and reflecting on those years brought this trend back to life. Astute individuals scoured their homes and listed these calendars on auction sites, some amassing hundreds of dollars. So, which calendars are stirring the most attention?

A wave of posts has inundated the "X" platform, chronicling the hunt for such highly sought calendars. Amongst the most coveted is the Blockbuster Video's special edition calendar boasting a varied range of covers inspired by cult classics such as "Braveheart," "Clueless," and "Casper." Attaining such an artifact is indeed a miracle, feasibly affirming the adage, "nothing is impossible".

Another highly sought-after calendar is the one featuring Australian pop princess of the 90s, Kylie Minogue. Calendars featuring "pin-up girls," women high on femininity and charm, are equally attracting attention.

This vintage calendar is now worth a fortune

A tweet going viral, which reads, "if you have this 1996 Jonathan Taylor Thomas calendar, the dates match up with 2024, so you can use it again" has garnered over 2 million views. The public is overzealous to purchase a calendar sporting an image of a young, 15-year-old Thomas. If you happen to have it, it would be wise to list it on an online auction. You could fetch as much as 150 dollars for it!

The final calendar stirring up quite a fervor features photographs of Pamela Anderson. The TV star was often featured in myriad calendars back in 1996. It's worth checking if you have one stashed somewhere in your home. Given that the dates won't repeat until 2052, keeping this year's calendar could prove quite beneficial. Its value may just appreciate with time.